How to EARN YOUR SPOTS | Softball is For Girls

After weeks of messing around with positions and line-ups, trying to figure out the ones that work best for the team – and listening to plenty of parent complaints in the meantime, the time had come to do that thing that nobody wants us to do. We sat the girls down, told them this was our last week of dilly-dallying, and that each child was personally responsible for earning their own spots on the field and in the line-up. 

The bomb had dropped

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The Best Nine | Softball is For Girls

We took a poll on our Facebook page this week and asked whether or not school ball teams should play the BEST 9 on game day, or whether seniority should play a role. You can see that poll HERE

Y’all actually participated and commented (which we LOVE btw) and overwhelmingly the answer was that come game day, and especially come championship time – THE BEST 9 PLAYERS are who should be playing on the field. 

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5 Things at 5pm (Inning 2) | Softball is For Girls

We’re back for our daily 5 things at 5! Super short, and sweet (sometimes not sweet) random straight forward tidbits of inspiration and knowledge and softball words of wisdom.  Today – 5 Things at 5 – The subject is How to be a Good TEAMMATE!  Keep your ears open and your mouth closed. In other…

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5 Things at 5 (Inning 1) | Softball is For Girls

Because we know that nowadays most of us have the attention span of a fly when it comes to actually reading things on the internet…. We hope you will enjoy our very short and sweet new editorial addition to our website, where we share 5 things at 5pm (Eastern Standard Time)!

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Just Shut Up and Hit the Damn Ball | Softball Is For Girls

And despite all the well-meaning, and ABUNDANT advice from everyone about how to fix her hitting, she becomes so overwhelmed that it just gets worse and worse, and she even begins to close her eyes at the plate and JUST pray that the bat and ball make some sort of contact or even better that if she leans in just a little she will get plunked and make her way on base.

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