5 Things at 5 (Inning 1) | Softball is For Girls
Because we know that nowadays most of us have the attention span of a fly when it comes to actually reading things on the internet…. We hope you will enjoy our very short and sweet new editorial addition to our website, where we share 5 things at 5pm (Eastern Standard Time)! Random. Completely Honest. Sometimes serious. Sometimes Funny. Sometimes stuff you should share with your player. Or team. Or favorite team parent. (you know the one you can tell anything to.
Anyways…you get the point… Make sure to subscribe to our blog, and follow us on FB & IG and Snapchat. And please, if you LOVE what you see, take a moment to hit the like or share button!
5 Things at 5 – Softball “Painful Truths”
- This is a great debate, but the reality is that Cowbells do not belong at softball fields. Ever.
- If you don’t like listening to girls cheer, or think it is inappropriate – find another sport. As the kids get older the cheers get louder, and you don’t see any D1 college softball teams or players being quiet.
- There really aren’t but one or two (injury, good reasons for a parent to talk to their child from behind the dugout while a game is going on. Go Away…It can wait.
- The other parent/player/coach you can’t stand, who makes you want to pull your hair out, who you’ve spent hours complaining about, will disappear and reappear in your life a million times before it’s all over with. Burn bridges with caution.
It’s pretty uncool for adults to make fun of other children.
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