6 Things Your Daughter Said in the Dugout | Softball is For Girls

I will sit out!” (Who said that? Is someone whispering?) We LOVE this one! You always have those girls that are the first to offer to sit out. Maybe it’s hot, or maybe they are tired, or maybe they just don’t wanna play and are perfectly happy cheering on their teammates from the bench. BUT…. as soon as the game starts you can bet your sweet butt that I will sit out’s kinfolk will breathing down the back of the dugouts neck asking their daughter they arent playing. And suddenly Ellie Sue turns into a liar and says, “I dont know” because she certainly is NOT going to admit that SHE is the one who asked, and offered to sit out. Next up, is a conversation where the parents complain about the money they are spending for their daughter not to play – and sometimes even a heated conversation with the coach, who typically will not tell Ellie Sue’s mom that her kid offered to, WANTED to sit out, because not only will the parents not believe them – but they also don’t want Ellie Sue to endure a long, wrath-filled ride home. 

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Words of Softball Wisdom From Amanda Scarborough

Just remember with every decision YOU make you are filling up your resume. Be responsible for your choices. 

Remember that with every conversation you’re job interviewing – take care of the impressions you leave behind. 

Remember, be open to new possibilities, you never know where they might take you. 

You’re the one in charge of your own journey, control your destiny. You are in charge of figuring out what makes you happy. Listen to your heart…really listen, then boldly stand behind your decisions and the direction you take your life. When you know that direction, BE ALL IN!”

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The Life of a Pitcher | Softball is For Girls

When they show up on the field, any given Saturday With butterflies and excitement, they are ready to play.  They take a look at the circle, and inspect the mound Where the deep trenches from those who came before them are found.  They warm up their snaps, their grips and their throws And say a…

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How Not to Be a Sucky Softball Coach | Softball Is For Girls

Coaching. It’s a hard gig and can be a cocktail for disaster. Between parents, and dealing with players, and trying to make decisions for the greater good of all, that will certainly not be agreed upon by everyone involved – being a softball coach is not an easy feat. So first… We want to thank…

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When Personal Tragedy Strikes Twice | Keeping Up with Kristen

And in that singular moment, just days away from the start of her Senior Year, during a time where she wanted to celebrate where she should be able to celebrate – she knew. She knew. And she was devastated. Rocked to her core with disappointment and worry, feeling as though all she had worked for, tirelessly for the past decade was for nothing, and that all her dreams were shattered? 

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