The Journey! From a Softball MOM | Softball is For Girls

The Journey, from a Softball Mom!  (Cheri Naudin)! I get asked often “What does it take to be a College Softball Player”.  Not from a recruiting perspective so much as from a mom’s view, I will try to provide some insights.   Just my perspective, not to recreate conflict or long rebuttal’s, just a mom’s perspective.…

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Among Your Softball Team…

15 Years from today (FROM RIGHT NOW) the vast majority of these girls will NOT be playing softball.

What will the girls remember about you? What will they takeaway from their time on the field? What are you doing to encourage the skills they do have, to take advantage of their strengths? How will the girls among your team, remember you?

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Fun Fundraising | Softball Is For Girls

The problem with fundraising is that for most parents, it is a chore. Sure, it helps to off set costs – but honestly – who has the time to go around selling candles to people all year. Truth is most fundraisers focus on items that people don’t really need and this is why the parents…

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How to Honestly Get Your Daughter Recruited

Yo, SIFG – What is up with all the recruiting shares on your page lately?  Well. We are glad you asked. Maybe you have noticed, maybe you have not. For the past several days we have been sharing with our social media fans the posts from Collegiate Sports Advocate. These posts show girls who are…

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Respect the Dirt | Softball is For Girls

The school my children attend, recently completed the construction of a new gymnasium at the high school to the tune of 7.2 million dollars. 7.2 MILLION DOLLARS! For a place to run and play sports in. A place to have pep-rallys. Yeah, it’s nice…but 7.2 million dollars?????? This sparked our curiosity and we started doing…

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The Softball Moms Prayer | Softball is for Girls

The Softball Moms Prayer Dear Lord,  Thank you for allowing my daughter to play such an amazing game!  I am grateful to watch her play and cherish every moment at the ballfield.  Please keep her, her teammates, her coaches and her opponents out of harms way.  May they always play hard, but fair.  May they…

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8 Things to do NOW for Your Spring Softball Team

It’s a New Year! Which means that the days are getting L O N G E R and spring, is hopefully (fingers crossed) right around the corner, and that means that SOFTBALL SEASON is on its way and that also means that WE at Softball Is For Girls are excited! We are old pros at…

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The Twelve Days of Softball Season

Wow! Y’all did it! We asked to see how many could follow along, and our amazing, smart, fans did a pretty darn good job! (how in the world can umps doubt us?????) Don’t forget even though our store is closed for shirts, we are FLASH Selling DAILY (Sometimes twice a day AND you can purchase…

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Why I Said NO to Basketball This Year!

While we totally suggest rounding out children and letting them partake in as many things as they want to, especially when they are young, there does come a time when the cup runneth over.
And mine was flowing a river, and I was filling it with foam from my own mouth.

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