SIFG blog

Season Opener Parent Meeting | Fastpitch Softball

It’s that time of year again. Even before the first ripe sprigs of grass pop out, softball season is upon us. (Hallelujah) The chilly days and mounds of snow for some of you will give way shortly to perhaps, the most beautiful sports season known to wo-man! 🙂  With the onset of softball season, comes…

SIFG CF7 Bat Giveaway! | Softball is For Girls

We, at Softball is For Girls LLC, personally LOVE Demarini. And when ‘wee little us‘ approached “BIG them” to see if they would be willing to partner on a 2015 CF7 BAT Giveaway, we didn’t expect to get a response. Well now we have brick dust in our eyes BECAUSE…… Not only did we GET…

Your Child See’s a Chiropractor? |fastpitch health and wellness

SIFG thanks Dr. Soldano for sharing his expertise! We stand behind Chiropractic care for young athletes! If you enjoy this article, ENJOY You can grab a copy of Dr. Soldano’s book on Amazon by clicking this LINK!  So, Your Child Sees A Chiropractor!? When I am educating my patients and my community about Chiropractic, it…

Safety First | fastpitch softball

At Softball is For Girls, February is slotted for health and wellness. We will be bringing you important information about how to keep our young players healthy, in body, mind and spirit all month-long.  And of course, we cannot begin to talk about wellness without talking about safety. Fastpitch, is not called FAST pitch, simply…
softball is for girls logo

The Popular Fan Question NEVER Posted. Until Now.

We LOVE our fan questions. And we love our fans. And we do our very best to remain as politically correct as possible. Just yesterday, we received a fan question – one we have received around 30+ times before -that we have never posted, because well…we don’t want our page turned into some platform for…

Fan Share Friday – Dani’s Story

We received an email from a young fan, who wanted to share her story with us, but made us double pinky swear PROMISE not to disclose who she was. Names and locations have obviously been changed, and some minor editing has been done on this post (although shes a fantastic writer and must excel in school)  We are…

The Final Chapters – Millie 19 & 20

Part 19 Cooler weather. The dark period. Somehow, this year it seemed more dark than ever. Chillier. The leaves crunching under my feet seemed so loud. Summer had ended. I walked up to the front door of Coach Mike’s house just as the sun was setting. A perfect and inviting wreath hung on the door,…


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* A method of payment must be saved at sign-up. You will be billed automatically at the end of the trial period for $12.99, and your subscription will continue to renew automatically each month for $12.99 until you cancel your subscription.

SIFG blog

You’re Gonna Miss This…But….

We know you're gonna miss this. But guess is going to end and there is light (for you) when its over. Start planning now.
woman wearing red coat

How Not to Freeze Your A$$ OFF!

It is absolutely no fun watching your kid play if you are freezing your bootie off. We got the bomb diggity of products that will keep you warm!
Brick Dust Diaries

The Final Chapters – Millie 19 & 20

Part 19 Cooler weather. The dark period. Somehow, this year it seemed more dark than ever. Chillier. The leaves crunching under my feet seemed so loud. Summer had ended. I walked up to the front door of Coach Mike’s house just as the sun was setting. A perfect and inviting wreath hung on the door,…

Millie (Explaining Mama)

The thing about broken people is that they don't need OUR forgiveness. They need their own. There is a big misconception about all of that. My mama was not a bad person, not a bad mother. I know what you are thinking.


Take us for a test drive! Enjoy all the benefits of our VIP membership for an entire month for FREE!*

* A method of payment must be saved at sign-up. You will be billed automatically at the end of the trial period for $12.99, and your subscription will continue to renew automatically each month for $12.99 until you cancel your subscription.

SIFG blog

You’re Gonna Miss This…But….

We know you're gonna miss this. But guess is going to end and there is light (for you) when its over. Start planning now.
woman wearing red coat

How Not to Freeze Your A$$ OFF!

It is absolutely no fun watching your kid play if you are freezing your bootie off. We got the bomb diggity of products that will keep you warm!
Brick Dust Diaries

The Final Chapters – Millie 19 & 20

Part 19 Cooler weather. The dark period. Somehow, this year it seemed more dark than ever. Chillier. The leaves crunching under my feet seemed so loud. Summer had ended. I walked up to the front door of Coach Mike’s house just as the sun was setting. A perfect and inviting wreath hung on the door,…


Take us for a test drive! Enjoy all the benefits of our VIP membership for an entire month for FREE!*

* A method of payment must be saved at sign-up. You will be billed automatically at the end of the trial period for $12.99, and your subscription will continue to renew automatically each month for $12.99 until you cancel your subscription.