SIFG blog

To Wear a Uniform

Sometimes at the strangest places, insight can hit! Last week, standing at the Fort Benning Infantry museum, watching soldier after soldier exit the building in their uniforms – matching browns and boots and caps – I realized the sheer, amazing power and blessing that it is to adorn a uniform. Sure, these young men were…

When I am Coaching Softball

Ever wonder what the coach is REALLY thinking during games, while he/she is coaching? Wonder no more?  Wow (readjusting hat to hide frustration) Did she really just let that ball go right between her legs? We practiced fielding ground balls, for like oh – I don’t know, two hours last week during practice. She didn’t miss…

Softball Recruiting for Dummies… | Softball is For Girls

Softball Recruiting. The word in and of itself is one that seems to be presenting itself earlier and earlier in the fastpitch circuit. When you hear about 8th graders verballing to D1 schools, it causes a sense of urgency among parents that start feeling like if they do not do something RIGHT NOW, they will…

Watching Fast Pitch Makes Me FEEL…..

Amidst the drama and struggles that come along with fast pitch, it is often easy to forget just how blessed we are! It’s not every parent that gets to spend most weekends WITH their daughters, taking part in watching them do what they love. Watching them literally grow up right before their eyes, from teeny…

Fan-Fession/ Fan-Shame Friday!

If you have been with us long enough, you may remember our fan-fession/fan-shaming  Fridays! Hilarious posts where players, parents, and even coaches own up to some of their wackiest thoughts. Today, we share a collection of fan-fessions! Because laughter is good medicine! Chances are someone in your softball family can relate to at least one…

When My Daughter Pitches | Softball is For Girls

Being the parent of a pitcher is not for the faint at heart. And since so many enjoyed the inside dialogue of When My Daughter is Up To Bat, we thought we would share this gem…. Warning….there may be some foul language involved in this post.  Oh My God, they are putting her in. It’s…

The Final Chapters – Millie 19 & 20

Part 19 Cooler weather. The dark period. Somehow, this year it seemed more dark than ever. Chillier. The leaves crunching under my feet seemed so loud. Summer had ended. I walked up to the front door of Coach Mike’s house just as the sun was setting. A perfect and inviting wreath hung on the door,…


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SIFG blog

You’re Gonna Miss This…But….

We know you're gonna miss this. But guess is going to end and there is light (for you) when its over. Start planning now.
woman wearing red coat

How Not to Freeze Your A$$ OFF!

It is absolutely no fun watching your kid play if you are freezing your bootie off. We got the bomb diggity of products that will keep you warm!
Brick Dust Diaries

The Final Chapters – Millie 19 & 20

Part 19 Cooler weather. The dark period. Somehow, this year it seemed more dark than ever. Chillier. The leaves crunching under my feet seemed so loud. Summer had ended. I walked up to the front door of Coach Mike’s house just as the sun was setting. A perfect and inviting wreath hung on the door,…

Millie (Explaining Mama)

The thing about broken people is that they don't need OUR forgiveness. They need their own. There is a big misconception about all of that. My mama was not a bad person, not a bad mother. I know what you are thinking.


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* A method of payment must be saved at sign-up. You will be billed automatically at the end of the trial period for $12.99, and your subscription will continue to renew automatically each month for $12.99 until you cancel your subscription.

SIFG blog

You’re Gonna Miss This…But….

We know you're gonna miss this. But guess is going to end and there is light (for you) when its over. Start planning now.
woman wearing red coat

How Not to Freeze Your A$$ OFF!

It is absolutely no fun watching your kid play if you are freezing your bootie off. We got the bomb diggity of products that will keep you warm!
Brick Dust Diaries

The Final Chapters – Millie 19 & 20

Part 19 Cooler weather. The dark period. Somehow, this year it seemed more dark than ever. Chillier. The leaves crunching under my feet seemed so loud. Summer had ended. I walked up to the front door of Coach Mike’s house just as the sun was setting. A perfect and inviting wreath hung on the door,…


Take us for a test drive! Enjoy all the benefits of our VIP membership for an entire month for FREE!*

* A method of payment must be saved at sign-up. You will be billed automatically at the end of the trial period for $12.99, and your subscription will continue to renew automatically each month for $12.99 until you cancel your subscription.