SIFG blog

All Star Trading Pins

World Series Pins Buying Guide!

The last thing you want to do is look like a full at your World Series and show up with either NO trading pins, or pins that are just blah! Today, check out this World Series Pins Buying Guide from All Star Trading Pins

Playing Softball AFTER CoronaVirus – What to Expect…

Great news! Softball, in many parts of the country is BACK after the long lockdown from CoronaVirus. So many of us have heard horror stories, seen guidelines, and have been concerned about what playing softball AFTER CoronaVirus would look like? Today, we have a recap of a USFA tournament from yesterday that took place in…

My Last at Bat | Softball is For Girls

It was a breezy and cool Thursday - March 12th to be exact, playing on my high school field during our second region game (meaning it counts), and it, my last at bat was UGLY.

Our Diamonds Will Shine Again | Softball is For Girls

Some days, it doesn't seem like it...but we promise Our Diamonds will SHINE again, and when they do - ohhhh what a celebration we will have. This one is FOR all of you, patiently waiting for your days at the ballpark. Enjoy today's poem.

Is Softball ‘Essential?” | Softball is For Girls

Is softball essential? We see that question all over social media. The definition of essential is extremely important or necessary. Isn't it okay to want our lives full of freedom and liberty and ballparks and work and packed coolers and homeruns and strikeouts and uniforms back? Doesn't that mean, that we were living well? That our kids were happy?

What If? | Softball is For Girls

What if, we made sure our kids ALWAYS knew first and foremost that the outcome of a game, or the results of their performance NEVER EVER affects our love for them or how proud of them we are.

The Final Chapters – Millie 19 & 20

Part 19 Cooler weather. The dark period. Somehow, this year it seemed more dark than ever. Chillier. The leaves crunching under my feet seemed so loud. Summer had ended. I walked up to the front door of Coach Mike’s house just as the sun was setting. A perfect and inviting wreath hung on the door,…


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* A method of payment must be saved at sign-up. You will be billed automatically at the end of the trial period for $12.99, and your subscription will continue to renew automatically each month for $12.99 until you cancel your subscription.

SIFG blog

You’re Gonna Miss This…But….

We know you're gonna miss this. But guess is going to end and there is light (for you) when its over. Start planning now.
woman wearing red coat

How Not to Freeze Your A$$ OFF!

It is absolutely no fun watching your kid play if you are freezing your bootie off. We got the bomb diggity of products that will keep you warm!
Brick Dust Diaries

The Final Chapters – Millie 19 & 20

Part 19 Cooler weather. The dark period. Somehow, this year it seemed more dark than ever. Chillier. The leaves crunching under my feet seemed so loud. Summer had ended. I walked up to the front door of Coach Mike’s house just as the sun was setting. A perfect and inviting wreath hung on the door,…

Millie (Explaining Mama)

The thing about broken people is that they don't need OUR forgiveness. They need their own. There is a big misconception about all of that. My mama was not a bad person, not a bad mother. I know what you are thinking.


Take us for a test drive! Enjoy all the benefits of our VIP membership for an entire month for FREE!*

* A method of payment must be saved at sign-up. You will be billed automatically at the end of the trial period for $12.99, and your subscription will continue to renew automatically each month for $12.99 until you cancel your subscription.

SIFG blog

You’re Gonna Miss This…But….

We know you're gonna miss this. But guess is going to end and there is light (for you) when its over. Start planning now.
woman wearing red coat

How Not to Freeze Your A$$ OFF!

It is absolutely no fun watching your kid play if you are freezing your bootie off. We got the bomb diggity of products that will keep you warm!
Brick Dust Diaries

The Final Chapters – Millie 19 & 20

Part 19 Cooler weather. The dark period. Somehow, this year it seemed more dark than ever. Chillier. The leaves crunching under my feet seemed so loud. Summer had ended. I walked up to the front door of Coach Mike’s house just as the sun was setting. A perfect and inviting wreath hung on the door,…


Take us for a test drive! Enjoy all the benefits of our VIP membership for an entire month for FREE!*

* A method of payment must be saved at sign-up. You will be billed automatically at the end of the trial period for $12.99, and your subscription will continue to renew automatically each month for $12.99 until you cancel your subscription.