SIFG blog

Decreasing the Chance of Injuries in Softball Pitchers | Softball Is For Girls

The topic of Pitcher’s shoulder injuries is a hot one. It’s unfortunately, a hot topic because it is so accepted within the softball culture. Today, Kris Massaro shares ways to keep our pitchers healthy!

Letting Her Go | Softball Is For Girls

We know. It’s hard. Watching your girl out there on the field, playing the game she loves – you in the stands. You see every mistake, every error and you feel it, like it is your own. You see her having a bad day, and it’s painful – physically and emotionally painful FOR YOU. You…

An Open Letter to the Girl Thinking about Quitting | Softball is For Girls

You have but one chance to be a child. Soon enough, bills and relationships and commitments and stress and adult life and things to do will build walls around your free time. You have but one time in your life to do childish things. (although softball is not childish)
Arm Pro Bands | softball ladder drills

Weight Room Basics

As part of our commitment to the players and coaches of fastpitch, we are working with Kris Massaro, owner of Softball Strong and ArmProBands to bring you weekly input in regard to training and keeping these athletes healthy. Please visit her blog at ArmProBands, and follow her at Softball Strong on Facebook!

Should Facemasks Be Mandatory?

Our goal with Facemask February Awareness, is not to launch an all out rule change in every fastpitch organization that insists on making/forcing kids wear a facemask. But rather to stifle the thoughts that somehow a girl wearing a mask is weak, or untrained, or not a good ball player. Because that is just not true. That is false. That is absurd. That is just the sort of egocentric attitude that gets a girl hurt.

Softball Turf Wars | Softball is For Girls

But are we seriously stooping as a society to having our fields locked up and overgrown with weeds, rotting from non-use rather than played upon and practiced upon by our younger generation. All in the pursuit of dollars? Insane. Just insane.

The Final Chapters – Millie 19 & 20

Part 19 Cooler weather. The dark period. Somehow, this year it seemed more dark than ever. Chillier. The leaves crunching under my feet seemed so loud. Summer had ended. I walked up to the front door of Coach Mike’s house just as the sun was setting. A perfect and inviting wreath hung on the door,…


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SIFG blog

woman wearing red coat

How Not to Freeze Your A$$ OFF!

It is absolutely no fun watching your kid play if you are freezing your bootie off. We got the bomb diggity of products that will keep you warm!
Softball field

Travel Ball in the Early 80’s | Softball is for Girls

Sat around thinking about all the things….all THINGS we as parents do to enable them to play their sports. Travel ball, in nearly every sport is now the ‘norm.’ Where I grew up, there was no such thing as travel ball, unless you counted taking the game to another weed infested field in a neighborhood…
Brick Dust Diaries

The Final Chapters – Millie 19 & 20

Part 19 Cooler weather. The dark period. Somehow, this year it seemed more dark than ever. Chillier. The leaves crunching under my feet seemed so loud. Summer had ended. I walked up to the front door of Coach Mike’s house just as the sun was setting. A perfect and inviting wreath hung on the door,…

Millie (Explaining Mama)

The thing about broken people is that they don't need OUR forgiveness. They need their own. There is a big misconception about all of that. My mama was not a bad person, not a bad mother. I know what you are thinking.


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* A method of payment must be saved at sign-up. You will be billed automatically at the end of the trial period for $12.99, and your subscription will continue to renew automatically each month for $12.99 until you cancel your subscription.

SIFG blog

woman wearing red coat

How Not to Freeze Your A$$ OFF!

It is absolutely no fun watching your kid play if you are freezing your bootie off. We got the bomb diggity of products that will keep you warm!
Softball field

Travel Ball in the Early 80’s | Softball is for Girls

Sat around thinking about all the things….all THINGS we as parents do to enable them to play their sports. Travel ball, in nearly every sport is now the ‘norm.’ Where I grew up, there was no such thing as travel ball, unless you counted taking the game to another weed infested field in a neighborhood…
Brick Dust Diaries

The Final Chapters – Millie 19 & 20

Part 19 Cooler weather. The dark period. Somehow, this year it seemed more dark than ever. Chillier. The leaves crunching under my feet seemed so loud. Summer had ended. I walked up to the front door of Coach Mike’s house just as the sun was setting. A perfect and inviting wreath hung on the door,…


Take us for a test drive! Enjoy all the benefits of our VIP membership for an entire month for FREE!*

* A method of payment must be saved at sign-up. You will be billed automatically at the end of the trial period for $12.99, and your subscription will continue to renew automatically each month for $12.99 until you cancel your subscription.