Put Me In Coach | A Letter to My Coach
I came to your tryouts and made your team,
I got a blue jersey with bright red seams.
I was super proud, I wore it to bed
Dreams of playing travel softball danced in my head.
The season started, we practiced a lot
You taught me things I had never been taught.
My skills got much better, I could throw, field and hit
I made new friends, they feel like family I admit.
Now we are playing tournaments and games all the time
My weekends are full, softball is always on my mind.
The twelve of us girls are having so much fun
And to our surprise last weekend we won.
Every Saturday I show up, more than ready to play
But I'm still the last one to get off the bench and you say
"Keep working hard, you are almost there,"
So I listen and work harder, but it still seems unfair.
My parents say be patient, ask the coach what you need to do
He only says work harder than I already do.
I show up early, go to lessons, and stay late
I am doing everthing I can to be valuable and great.
As two months have passed, I still rarely get to play
But I cheer from the bench, and work harder every day.
You gave me a jersey, I thought you beleived in me enough
To see my potential, and skill, to see that I am tough.
I remember feeling so proud the day that I made your team
But now it feels like I am not good enough, and I no longer beam
I still work hard, I do everything I am told
But being the last to get picked to play, sure does get old.
I wonder somedays why you put me on your team
If you never believed in me at all, or so thats how it seems.
I am 12 years old, and all I want to do is play this game
To prove to you I am able, and do justice to the team name.
I don't mind sitting out, I dont mind working hard
I don't mind hitting buckets of balls in the backyard
But I do want a chance, even though I may not be the best
You CHOSE me for your team, so be brave, and put my skills to the test.
How can I learn if I do not play,
Why did you give me a jersey just to sit me out on game day?
You are the coach, and it's your job to treat the team as a whole
to realize that beneath every jersey lies a child with a soul.
So, please - take a chance on me and put me into the game
I promise, I will not make you ashamed.
Let me show you how hard I have been working to play
Don't destroy the love I have for this game along your way.
Remember, you CHOSE ME, and I trusted you to believe
That I could play this game and be part of YOUR team!
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It’s sad when some coaches don’t like the parents and take it out on the players of those parents. It hurts the team and certainly hurts the players. I just want to cry for the players because they don’t understand it. Especially when they are just as good and try just as hard as the other players. Sometimes the coaches get the big head in doing their coaching. Most are very fair and I think they do an awesome job because it is not easy to do.
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