You Might Be an A$$Hole Sports Parent if….

Being a sports parent is not for the faint of heart. The combination of supporting your children whom you love more than anything in the entire world, competition and being let loose in the wild kingdom of youth athletics is not always an easy task. Sometimes, it brings out the worst in us. Sometimes, we…

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“Must Read” Tips from A Softball Grandma | Softball is For Girls

Spend the money on the expensive chair. You have no problems buying the expensive bat, or the best glove for your daughter and you shouldn’t skimp on the seat from where you will sit and watch your children grow up. Make sure it’s comfortable and sturdy because you will be surprised how many times she returns to your lap in the middle of a softball field. And, I assure you – this chair will be just as important as the rocking chair you rocked her to sleep in when she was a baby. 

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