Softball. It’s Really About the Girls

To offer a life environment to our children that fosters the healthiest growth.
Playing sports, being involved with a team, staying busy, developing self confidence and self esteem, learning the socialization skills associated with a team environment and being part of something, bigger than themselves – keeps our girls busy. It keeps their minds on positive things. And it keeps them out of trouble. Is it a hassle for us as parents? Yes, but the pay off is worth it.
Luckily, since our girls love the game so much, its easy to keep them motivated.
Today, I am thankful that there are organizations and people in this world who realize that the sport is about the girls on the field. Period!
Living in Georgia, we are blessed to have several outlets to keep our girls involved in fastpitch softball. And one of the best by my opinion is run by a man of character named Lamar Gilbert, at Global Sports Authority. This man has seen it all, and still realizes that the game IS ABOUT THE KIDS ON THE FIELD first and foremost.
It isn’t really about who wins or loses. It isn’t about a parent thinking his or her child is the best. It isn’t about a coach who is looking to inflate their own ego by ‘bending the rules,’ or sacrificing the self esteem of even one girl on his team in an effort to gain. It isn’t about unfair umpires, finding the best pick up pitcher to give your team an unfair advantage, or who can afford to buy the best bat. The game, is about the girls on the field.
If you coach, parent a softball player – or if you are involved IN ANY MANNER (even as a spectator) as an adult with a girls fastpitch program, then you should make sure that your priorities are straight before you show up at the game. In 5+ years, I have seen many, many adults ‘ruin’ the game and cause children to burn out or quit, or frustrate CHILDREN in unthinkable, malicious and cold hearted ways.
The reality is that as the adults, we should all show up at practice, tournaments and be prepared to lead by example. It isnt just enough to drive our girls there and purchase their equipment, because the things they see us doing and the behaviors they witness from us, can – if we arent careful, last longer than the memory of their first homerun or no-hitter.
With the level of competition being what it is today, and the statistics of girls playing fastpitch across the United States at all time highs, it is refreshing to come across people, such as the folks at GSA (link above) that remember who it is the brick dust is serving!
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