Is Your Team Predictable?

So once upon a time, 100 years ago, ok it’s really about 30 years ago ( wow, writing this I realize it may as well be 100 years ago), I played on a really good travel ball team. We weren’t the best there was but we were really good. In fact, we should have won a lot more games than we did. We had some great players on our team, players that went on to play at major Division 1 programs and the Olympics. As a team, we played very well together, and after three years together had really found our groove as a team.

 But now as an adult, with more softball knowledge, I realize we could have been one of the best. Our problem was that we were too unpredictable. We didn’t always show up to play. We didn’t always outplay a team that we should have, and we didn’t always walk on the field like we owned it. Sometimes we did and sometimes we didn’t. We were unpredictable. 
But the great teams, the teams that were consistently in the final game, they were predictable. They played every game with the knowledge that they were going to win. Their hitters owned the box, their pitchers threw every game like it was their first game of the tournament (even if it was their 5th), they never stopped communicating with one another. They were going to destroy you. Their swag was so strong it was ridiculous and it was intimidating to an unpredictable team. They were predictable, very predictable. Every game, every play, every pitch. They knew they deserved to win and it showed.

Fast forward to 2017, I see teams that relay that same unpredictable play. They have talented players but their mindset and actions on the field depends on the day. If I could go back in time to change something, I’d wish for my team to become more predictable. I’d wish for us to own the fact that we had a ton of talent every day, not every other game. And I wish that same attitude for every player and team out there today. I wish you had the ability to become that predictable player I wish you knew what you were capable of on any given day or game. The truth may be that you already are that girl. You just don’t know it yet.

If you haven’t followed Kris Massaro at Softball Strong – make sure you do. She is on Instagram and Facebook, and has amazing workouts, inspiration and experience in this sport to lend to our players and coaches! 


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