My Daughter is a Pitcher
My daughter is a pitcher, and I couldn’t be more proud of her!
I have watched the hours and hours that she has put in outside of practice. Out in the yard, hacking it out with a pitching rubber while her dad sat on a bucket. At lessons, being tweaked and challenged, and learning and re-learning weeks at a time. The daily workout that she does to make her legs and core stronger, in order to stay in shape and keep on improving. Pitching is not something you do well, on a whim. When other teammates get a day off, a pitcher is still pitching – trying to perfect and improve her game.
I have sat behind the fence and watched games where she pitched with poise and composure, like nothing less than a champion. On those days, being the mom of a pitcher is easy – and seeing her hard work pay off is satisfying beyond belief.
I have also sat behind the fence and literally ENDURED games where it seems my daughters emotions got the best of her. During those games – the ones dripping with emotion, where nothing seems to be working, it takes a great deal of restraint to keep me from running on the field and saving her. Shielding her from the wilted shoulders on the sidelines, the jeers from the opposing team, the lowered eyes of her coaches and teammates when she walks in a run. It takes a tremendous effort to not bum-rush the umpires for not ‘giving’ her a strike, for missing the fact that she painted the black with her curve ball, to not be angry that they are trying to force my daughter to throw straight down the middle of the plate – tossing a ‘can of corn,’ that will no doubt be taken deep by a batter.
I want to scream to everyone around me collectively sighing and losing faith in the little girl that I love – everyone that seems so obviously disappointed when my daughter is struggling (whose daughters do NOT pitch),
“Do you have any idea how hard she works, how much time she puts in, how much she strives to be good, how HARD this pitching gig really is?” “Could YOUR daughter do it?” “Do you not realize that she is just a young girl trying her best out there?”
But mostly, I just want to save my daughter. To protect her. And yet, all I know that I can do – is be the person back there who still believes in her no matter what.
Maybe you can’t see it, but when things aren’t going well in the circle, I see the pain in her eyes. I see the tears she is holding back. I recognize the twitches of discomfort, embarrassment and frustration. I feel the thoughts in her head that are thinking maybe she isn’t good enough, maybe all the hours she has put in were for nothing. I recognize her disappointment, see her searching for one soft place to land her eyes. It’s a painful thing to sit back and simply watch your daughter in pain or distress. And yet, it is part of the gig when your daughter is a pitcher.
When my daughter pitches, I watch her feet. I notice her release point. I pay attention to her shoulders, her stride, her snap. I try to shout out the bits of advice that her pitching coach gives her, the little things that seem to be able to tie the larger picture of pitching altogether. Every tournament day, I toss away fearful thoughts about her being it with a line drive, look up to the sky and give a little prayer for her safety. And another prayer that her pitches work, and that she is able to somehow fool or upset the timing of the offense she is about to face. It is my job to sit there and just let it all happen!
Since my daughter and the catcher are the two that ACTUALLY TOUCH the ball more than anyone else on the field – their mistakes seem so much more evident than the ground ball the short stop let go between her legs. Trust me, I hear the sighs. On bad days, I hear other parents whispering, “WHEN are they going to pull her?” Or the fans who say, “Oh my god – another walk!”
And, on good days, I hear the crowd cheering her on, shouting ‘good pitch,’ and woo-hooing loudly when she strikes people out, or fools them with her change-up. I sense the feelings of pride and accomplishment that she feels, the gratification that her hard work is paying off.
As her mother, I am acutely aware that so many eyes are upon her. And I wonder inwardly – how in the world she withstands that kind of pressure. It makes my heart well up with pride, to see my little girl – handling so much pressure so well. While just yesterday she was holding my hand to steady her feet when she walked – today she is standing in the middle of a softball field, prepared to show hundreds of people what it is she does on her ‘off days.’ Putting herself out there, risking it all for the sake of a game she loves, and teammates that she wants to do well for.
My daughter is a pitcher, and I couldn’t be more proud of her!
Dont forget to visit out store for the greatest softball shirts!

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My duaghter is a pitcher, and I couldn’t be more proud of her! Love you Hannah! Dad
Beautiful!! So well said. Thank you for putting into words what us pitcher parents are feeling. It hurts so bad when you see your kid struggle.
[…] Daughter is a Fastpitch Pitcher | Softball is for Girls My Daughter is a Fastpitch Pitcher | Softball is for Girls To all parents, brothers, sisters and the ones who care about your kid in the circle. Sum up […]
This brought tears to my eyes – so perfectly described!
Wow…did I write this? I could have – more than 20 years ago. Can’t believe it’s been that long. But the hard work put her through college and now she’s all grown….getting closer to 40 than I care to admit. I was the Mom who sat in the car during the really tough games. Watching the scoreboard through the windshield…away from the ugly parent’s remarks and hiding my stress from my baby girl. And I actually DID chase down an umpire one time. Not my proudest moment, but he was SO stupid!! Thanks for sharing this….
[…] My Daughter is a Fastpitch Pitcher | Softball is for Girls […]
Couldn’t have said it better. You must have been following us around! I guess it’s all part of the sisterhood of softball pitchers, especially about the umpires! People who do not have pitchers don’t understand the intricacy to pitching. You expressed the life and feelings of the softball pitcher’s mom perfectly. Well done.
I am a pitcher. And my mom tells me all of this all the time. When im having a bad day. In the end i know she is still gonna push me a little harder and not break me down. Softball is my life. I have been playing since i was 5. A day i miss of it due to any kind of weather. Is a day im in my room i spend throwing my ball up and catching it. Or a day i make my granddaddy get soaked in the rain with me so i can continue to do better. And to make their be fewer bad days on the field for me! I love you momma and thanks for sharing this with me and telling me that this summed it all up!
We must have the same daughter.,,,your note really spoke to me. When other girls were just gutting to practice our daughters was already working, when the hitters were sitting down our daughters was still working, when the fielders complained about their arms hurt our daughters were still working. Nobody out works a pitcher on a softball team. That is just the cloth they are cut from.
Well written ….I can relate so well in all aspects of your blogg! From league play, through high school and college! I have many times wanted to write to the Umpire Association and say….You can’t expect the ball to go right down the middle…the pitcher is going to get a line drive right to her head! You know the ball is 5.5 inches in diameter and the lines between the plate and the batters box are 6 inches…if the ball swipes inside those lines…my goodness it is a strike! Some umpires want to shrink that down so far it is impossible! The pitcher is going to get hit! I enjoyed reading your post! Enjoy watching your daughter play the time goes way too fast!
Your letter has been quite a comfort to me today. My 10 year old daughter is a pitcher and she is becoming very good, but I can relate to the heartache of the ups and downs on the mound. The good days out weigh the bad ones and my hope is to see her continue to grow and push through the tough times without becoming completely defeated. I know she is a tough competitve child, but it seems the hormones have their way with her off and on. Looking at it from an adult perspective, we learn the most from the tough times.
Love this!
The pitcher has all eyes on her at all times. And that pressure can be a lot for a young player to handle. Every ball is counted and compared to how many strikes she throws. Every hit undermines the confidence of those on the sidelines. It’s a pressure cooker spot!
OMG… I feel for you. My daughter pitches and I do not know how she handles the pressure. So much work goes into learning the position and other people just don’t get how difficult it is. Talent only gets you so far. It is the hard work that goes on after the games and after the team practices that are the true test of their strengths.
[…] Daughter is a Pitcher” is a post that was published April 29, 2014 on the Softball is For Girls, Empowering the girls, coaches, parents and fans of FASTPITCH blog. It does a good job of describing the substantial behind-the-scenes work that the Fastpitch […]
Great article. I sent this article to all my pitchers parents.
This is a great article. I coach. Just sent this to all my pitchers parents.
Wow! Amazing read, almost like somebody got in my head. My daughter too is a pitcher. I’m her biggest fan and her biggest critic. I am so amazed by her. At 12 years old she is way more of an athlete than I ever dreamed of. I love you Goose!!!!
Our granddaughter is a pitcher and we couldn’t be more proud of her. Her Jaja watches her every move.. We love you Paige Prather. Her dad would be so proud of her.
I have a GRANDAUGHTER who is a pitcher and this have been written by her Mom orDad. She has been so dedicated since she was 5 years old, works at running, practicing, lessons and still an honor roll student, playing on school team and traveling team, never being told she needs to do so. Her dream is to go to college on a Fastpitch Softball Scholarship. It means so much to her as her Mother has a prosthetic leg!
[…] My Daughter is a Pitcher […]
so proud of my great granddaughter. It’s in the blood. Remember watch and cheering on her Dad at that age.
Meme (great grandmother) Anchorage, Alaska
It’s in the blood. Watched many games her Dad (my grandson) played now my great granddaughter. One day, soon I hope, will make it from Alaska to Florida to watch a game or two. Meme (French for grandmother)
U go girl!
U go girl.
Great grandmother
Anchorage Alaska
U go girl. We use to watch your Dad when he was your age. Runs in the family. I couldn’t run fast …. So I did martial arts. Took 4 different martial arts, made black belt in each. Was great feeling so fit. Wish I could feel the same at 75 (76 next month.) As old saying goes, “time flys when you’re having fun.”
Loves YA. Meme
Been there done that. It’s just as hard for a dad that coaches a pitcher.
I am a fast pitch umpire,have called this game for over 25 yrs.As you have all stated NOBODY works harder than the pitcher.On those rare days when every pitch is working,It is a joy to watch.the determination and confidence in each pitch she throws because she has found the umps zone.That being said,the good ones pick around the zone till they find where he will call it.Not many realize pitchers have to adjust to the umps zone.Most will not.The few will. Most will just get frustrated or just give up and throw down the middle.The few will find that spot on inside up under the hands that ump will call,or on outside knee high ball and half out.Might be that change that dies half way thru the zone.The mental part of the game is the hardest in my opinion,the ability to set up a strike out pitch,or to get them to hit the ball where you want them to.My hat is of to the pitchers.
My granddaughter is a pitcher. She pitched her way through college and her ambition is to teach history and coach softball. We have been through everything this article talks about. I have smothered and frozen but would do it all over again. Pitching is extremely hard to do well. I’m proud of her then and now.
my daughter was a pitcher and this article really hit home I remember every moment in this article well said I’m proud of all pitchers it turkey is hard work and a love only they feel.
I have been blessed i have two daughters that are pitchers i have spent countless hours catching in the back yard or at pitching coaches i have seen the hard work pay off and also seen them striggle i have heard the crowd cheer and also say whats wrong with her today and it hurts when u hear that stuff becouse u see the hundreds of hours of work they put in trying to perfect there game no one that does not have a picher for a child will ever understand with every pitch its like ur a part of the succsess and the struggles u dedicate ur time trying to help ur child succeed and never want them to fail at the same time u love them with all ur heart but u know they will struggle from time to time thats just human nature when they are struggling and work through it u know that when they have problems in life later that they will and do have the ability to work through anything and thats all u can hope for from ur children becouse when it comes right down to it softball is just a game but the lessons u learn from all the hard work and practice will follow them all the way through life thats about all i have to say except that i love and are proud of all my children
I am a pitcher’s mom. You captured our emotions perfectly! My daughter is a lefty. With a natural curveball. I hated umps who watched the catcher’s glove to call strikes!
Been there done that! Lol
I couldn’t have wrote that better! My daughter is a pitcher too! They do carry alot of stress and so proud of the way they handle it!
I was a pitcher , my daughter also did some pitching, now my granddaughter is one. I watch my daughter pace back and forth and feel what she is going through as her daughter has good days and some bad. This summed it up perfectly , loved it.
It’s even harder when she’s playing high school ball and has played and pitched for soooo, soooo long and her coach has the nerve to say “you are not a pitcher, none of your pitches work for you”
Then proceeds to pitch her to clean up his daughters mess…..
I have 2 daughters and no sons. Both are now in their 30s with young girls of their own. My daughters played fastpitch from 10&Under thru college, the oldest a catcher, and the youngest a pitcher. Both put in thousands of hours to improve their skills and play the game. Both won at the highest level, and also LOST at that level. Learning how to become team leaders with graciousness and modesty, and also dealing with adversity, injury, failure to perform, and emotional stress has made them much better young women and parents. Watching them play was my most treasured memory to this day. Win or lose, I only wanted to see them give their best. The path to being a competitive pitcher OR catcher are the hardest jobs on the team…..They now treasure how determination and hard work lead to great results. I could not be more proud of them…
Yup, I can relate to all of it too. From age 6 all the way through college, softball was my daughter’s life. She still has pitching records in the NCAA record book, she was honored to be voted into her college’s Athletic Hall of Fame. It’s all be a long time ago, but I can remember it like it was yesterday. I love her not because of the game of softball, but because of the strength it took to endure the softball rollercoaster ride…..she is beautiful, strong, well polished and a confident young woman.
My two granddaughters are pitchers. Both are very good. I have watched them since they started playing. T have been very dedicated to it. I am not able to attend always but I know they are doing their best. They also have great coaches that are very dedicated. My son in law and daughter are always there withh them .I am very very proud of them they have worked so hard
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Understand completely!! Lol Someone just asked me if I wrote this article, I totally could have! I, along with my daughter, have felt EVERY LAST WORD in this article!! For all pitchers and pitcher parents out there, WE DID IT or are still doing it and it is a tough spot to be in and we are doing a good job at it! Keep doing the best you can do and tune out the haters!
[…] saw Mrs. Judy at a softball tournament. Sitting in a fold up chair behind home plate at field 2. She cheered for both pitchers, seemed to notice every amazing thing every player did. She had a small cooler filled with water […]
Great blog…very well said. One thing though, “can of corn” is a term used to describe a fly ball that is easily caught, and stems from a southern expression about stockboys in grocery stores using their aprons to catch the cans of corn from the shelves. It’s not a fat pitch down the middle of the plate. It’s actually a good thing for a pitcher to get. A fly ball that goes up that looks routine is a “can of corn.”
I just read the letter my daughter just wrote about my grand daughter and I had to stop and just cry and then read on ,My Kylie girl …..what can I say but that I am so Proud of you and how hard you have worked at this for since you where 6 or 7 ….and now you are 18 you have done a great job and well keep on baby girl
Fabulous article – spot on…takes me back to when my daughter pitched for many years! Hard work, dedication, parental support, and so much more go into the success of a softball pitcher – we have always been and always will be so proud of our daughter’s accomplishments both on and off the field – she is such a positive role model for all the young and old alike!
Fabulous article – spot on…. takes me back to the years our daughter pitched from the age of 12 straight through high school and college. Hard work, dedication, parental support, and so much more go into the success of a fast pitch softball pitcher. We are so proud of all of our daughter’s accomplishments both on and off the field! She was even able to give back all she learned over the years to inspire young girls to fall in love with softball and pitching. She is such a positive role model to the young as well as the old!! Outstanding life lessons to all she comes in contact with!
As the grandma of a pitcher. It is not so much the remarks made by the other team. It is the ones made by the parents of her own team that hurt so much. They all work so hard. They know when they make a mistake. And they know when it all just falls apart. When they are out there with blood, sweat and tears coming out of every pore of their bodies, They just need your praise in the moment to get them to the next inning to try and turn it around.After all there’s always the next game. They’ll will hear your remarks in their heads and hearts forever.They are but little girls trying so hard to make you proud, and to win for their team.Sometimes keeping your mouth shut is the best thing you can do for them after all their coaches are there to tell them where and what they are doing wrong.Some times all the remarks you make have them rethinking why they play the game.It’s because they love it…So if you have to run your mouth, do it under your breath. That way you don’t break the heart of a little girl or boy.Whether it be your child or someone else’s. The remarks hurt.
Except, maybe the catcher!
Keep up the good work girls and most of all have fun
Reading this as a dad is very true. I have worked with my daughter since she was 9 years old. we have work in the cold the heat and the rain. Now daughter is in college and still pitching. I always told you hard work pays off.
Wow. I was a pitcher, now my daughter is. She’s much more focused and tough than I was, but now my mom and I get to share being the mom of a pitcher! I’m so incredibly proud of my daughter, how hard she works, how willing she is to put in that extra time that’s required to figure out that next pitch. Mostly, I’m so proud of how composed she is on the mound, when things aren’t working right, how she’s able to bear down and get it done. Through her, I’ve discovered (again) how much I LOVE softball and how fun it was to play. Now, it’s fun to coach and cheer on the girls!
For all those pitchers that teach their daughters to pitch I am always amazed. Good luck to you all.
Reading this article made me want to shout, That’s me, That’s us!! I thank God each and everyday for the amazing talent he has given our daughter. My husband is such an amazing dad, working with her as a catcher when others were busy, toting her to practice for the team, then on to pitching lessons. Of course I either tagged along or I was doing those things coz dad was working. She is now in high school and doing a good job so far. Of course opening games start this weekend!! As the mom of a pitcher I can so relate to this article!! I’m the mom that has learned to not say a whole lot because I want to keep her focused!! Our daughter has learned so many life’s lessons through playing softball and as parents so have we, I am so very grateful and proud to be a pitcher’s mom!!!
I am also a mother of a pitcher. I remember ever since she as five. Always was nervous for her. Your either a hero or a goat. She started out well strikeouts galore. Most girls were afraid of her as her ball was fast. Then came the times that she was wild. Parents started saying when are they going to take her out. Quick tempered and very sensitive she sucummed to the pressure. I remember a coach and father on the opposing team she was 10 or 11 say to his daughter when she was batting and my daughter was down 0 & 3 in the count. Just wait she can’t throw three strikes in a row but she did I was so proud of her. She went to a US college not as a pitcher as short stop/catcher. She received an award as the player that never gave up. Soooooooo so proud. Had a great career and is still there married with four kids and is a coach.
I love this…well said!!
My daughter Juliet Seri is a pitcher n am so proud of her. I love watching her pitching and I love catching for her since day 1 of her first game of softball.
This really hits home, I coached my daughter for years. This is her 1st year of high school ball. The team just lost a pitcher on the team. So now she is the only one. She loves to play 1st base as well. This is real hard for her. She needs the support of the team good or bad. Pitching is such a hard gig, so much pressure. So what you wrote really hits home.